Racist Ilhan Omar screeches ‘This is not going to be the country of white people!’

In one of the most brazenly hypocritical episodes I’ve seen in a while, absolutely ZERO DEMOCRATS are denouncing Rep. Omar Ilhan for saying one of the most racist things an official has said in recent times.

Naturally, it’s because it’s racist against white people:

“This is not going to be the country of the xenophobics. This is not going to be the country of white people. This is not going to be the country of the few. This is going to be the country of the many,” she demanded.

Here’s the video:

The context of this absurdly stupid quote is that she’s trying to pin her anti-Semitism onto Trump:

“The occupant of the White House … and his allies are doing everything that they can to distance themselves and misinform the public from the monsters that they created that is terrorizing the Jewish community and the Muslim community,” Omar said, according to NBC News.

She added that talking about anti-Semitism is the same as discussing Islamophobia.

“[W]hen we talk about anti-Semitism, we must also talk about Islamophobia,” Omar insisted. “It is two sides of the same coin of bigotry.”

Isn’t it weird how anti-Semitism is the same as Islamophobia, BUT anti-black or anti-Hispanic racism isn’t the same as anti-white racism? Totally absurd and utterly hypocritical.

Just imagine if Trump had ever said “this is not going to be the country of brown people!” or “this is not going to be the country of black people!” People would implode with anger at the divisive nature of such statements, but no one gives a damn when she says it of white people.

I think some of the accusations from our side about anti-white bigotry are a little histrionic, but Ilhan Omar is making those caricatures become vividly true….

I ran our screenshot through some TRUTH ALGORITHM that I worked up, and here’s what came out:

Dang. That’s harsh, truth algorithm, but I admire your honesty.

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