Of the many bloviators of misinformation on CNN, airhead Brianna Keilar is easily one of the worst, and without question has the most hilariously distorted self-image of any of them. She obviously thinks of herself as some sort of devastating wit and cunning intellect, a gargantuan misapprehension for the poor dullard.
Caught red-handed being disingenuous losers and UTTERLY WRONG about Fauic, Paul, and gain of function, Keilar actually tried to play it off on Twitter and still claim Sen. Rand Paul – the only person who ever pressed Fauci on the issue – was the one who was wrong.
It is the job of Senators conducting oversight of government agencies to ask questions like Dr. Rand Paul asked of Dr. Fauci. Literally THEIR JOB. It is ALSO the job of the media, who weren’t doing it. None of those facts were able to squeeze into the limited storage capacity at Keilar’s disposal when she vomited up her hilariously dumb response to being owned by the facts.
So when she tried to dunk on Rand Paul with the same laughable air of smug superiority she brings to every news story, the dumbass got her dumb ass handed to her by Sen. Paul’s wife.
It started when Mrs. Paul called out Keilar for her pathetic, biased, on-air snickering at Sen. Paul for even asking about this thing about which he’s now been proven right.
While Rand has been demanding transparency from Fauci for over a year, lowbrow hacks like @brikeilarcnn responded by calling Rand an a** on air. Giggling @GayleKing fangirled Fauci and ridiculed Rand, ignoring the point of his questions. Have any comments now, Gayle and Brianna? https://t.co/o899ljZjkA
— Kelley Paul (@KelleyAshbyPaul) October 22, 2021
Being a class act and professional objective journalist Keilar decided to try to dunk on the Senator’s wife, thus writing her dumb thread.
I stand by my characterization of Sen. Paul and I’ll explain in a moment.
But first, on this letter from NIH, some important points: https://t.co/6GkHnEKIxU
— Brianna Keilar (@brikeilarcnn) October 22, 2021
LOL. “First some important points” is what libs on Twitter say EVERY SINGLE TIME they have to rationalize being wrong. I’ll spare you the middle parts, but if you want to yuk it up at the idiot’s expense by all means click on through.
Here’s where she ended her thread of wisdom.
Dr. Fauci and American public health officials should answer questions about oversight of this US-funded research. No public official is immune from scrutiny. But Sen. Paul, a bloviator of misinformation, is certainly not the man for that job.
— Brianna Keilar (@brikeilarcnn) October 22, 2021
And Kelley stepped in for a second kill shot.
Rand has been the ONLY person asking these questions. Your network certainly wasn’t. Yet when he did, you resorted to silly name-calling of Rand instead of reporting on the content of his questions or Fauci’s obfuscations. Bloviator of misinformation? Look in the mirror! https://t.co/GS4zOqFKu6
— Kelley Paul (@KelleyAshbyPaul) October 22, 2021
And why not a third?
Americans would have learned of this coverup earlier, Professor, if biased “journalists” like @brikeilarcnn hadn’t spent their time attacking and name-calling Rand Paul for asking Fauci legitimate questions. #RandPaulWasRight https://t.co/MnvBh7Gc7T
— Kelley Paul (@KelleyAshbyPaul) October 22, 2021
I have some advice for Brianna Keilar: Shut up, dumbo.