Rashida Tlaib called for deporting Trump long before he ever said The Squad should leave

There’s been a ton of hubbub about how racist Trump is for suggesting that American citizens leave the country if they aren’t happy with it. Of course, we know from the tweets that Trump’s motive wasn’t race, but ideology. But that sure hasn’t stopped the MSM from saying it was racist over and over.

Well it turns out that long before Trump was even president, Rashida Tlaib actually called for the deportation of Trump because she was unhappy with him as a candidate in December of 2015:

Rashida Tlaib is calling for a white man running for president to be deported, all because she didn’t like his policy.

How racist! I mean it has to be racist right? He’s white, she’s brown….isn’t that how it works?

Oh I know, she was responding to a ‘radical’ policy that he floated back then. Yeah, I get that. But he’s white, right? And she’s not, right? So it can’t be about policy or ideology, it must be about race. Ergo, racist!

See how stupid that argument sounds when it’s reversed?

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