REMINDER: Here’s what happened at Trump’s inauguration in 2017

The mainstream media are completely beside themselves with outrage over what happened at the Capitol last week. It was appalling, to be sure, but these jackasses only care about riots when they are done by Trump supporters.

And now they reporting stories at a fever pitch about what could happen during Biden’s inauguration and what not.

Just as a reminder, here’s what happened during Trump’s inauguration in 2017 and it wasn’t pretty:

It was a riot on the streets of the the nation’s capital. But do you remember the media being outraged about it? Sure, they reported, but just like with the BLM/Antifa riots of 2020, they didn’t care. It was just Americans letting their voices be heard or something.

So don’t be surprised if this inauguration is a lot more peaceful. Or maybe it won’t be, but it if it is, it’s nothing new.

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