Rep. Bob Good dared to endorse someone other than Trump in primary. Now he’s the enemy of MAGA

The leader of the House Freedom Caucus, Rep. Bob Good, dared to endorse Ron DeSantis in the Republican Presidential Primary because he believes Republicans need eight years to fight the deep state and turn this country around. He’s not against Trump and likes what he did when he was president, but just feels DeSantis is the better candidate to get the job done.

But because he didn’t bow down and kiss Trump’s ring, the former’s campaign manager is waging war to get him ousted from Congress:

And MAGA diehards like Marjorie Taylor Greene and calling Good a “disloyal MAGA traitor” and a “Never Trumper”:

The House Freedom Caucus board is filled with Never Trumpers led by their new chairman angry disloyal MAGA traitor Bob Good.

HFC and their donors are victims of a hostile takeover by Never Trumpers and that’s going to be a disaster for Pres Trump’s next administration.

Bob Good ran on MAGA and Trump’s endorsement in 2020 AND 2022 and now endorses DeSantis and says “Trump is unelectable.”

Well Trump just proved Bob Good wrong by DOMINATING in Iowa!!

In spite of Bob Good ousting Kevin McCarthy, Bob Good gladly took millions of dollars from McCarthy to get elected and would hate for people to know that.

President Trump is going to win in 24, and he needs loyal America First warriors NOT Congressmen on a power trip who will stab him in the back.

I’m really starting to hate what the MAGA movement has become. Trump isn’t a king and he doesn’t deserve allegiance or loyalty. He’s a politician who must EARN votes and then try to keep them to get reelected. It’s that simple.

The fact that people like MTG and Trump’s campaign chief are trying to destroy a man just because he endorsed DeSantis is despicable and thuggish. And it comes from the very top, made in the image of Donald Trump.

Remember how we felt when Democrats acted like this with respect to people who disagreed with Obama? They used the same thuggish tactics of trying to destroy people just like these MAGA folks are now. This kind of detestable creed has no place on the right.

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