REPORT: National School Board Association worked with White House before sending CRT letter to Garland

Via a FOIA, it’s just been revealed that the leftist National School Board Association (NSBA) sent their ridiculous letter, suggesting parents at school board meetings should be investigated as domestic terrorists, to Biden before sending it to AG Garland. Which raises the question of whether this memo from Garland calling for FBI involvement in school board meetings was ordered by the White House:

FREE BEACON – The country’s largest school board association collaborated with the Biden White House before sending a controversial letter calling on the FBI to investigate parents as potential domestic terrorists, according to previously unreported emails.

The emails, obtained by Parents Defending Education through public records requests and reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon, reveal that the National School Board Association’s president and CEO sent the letter to Biden on Sept. 29 without approval from the organization’s board. The letter said that the acts of some parents at school board meetings across the country could be considered “a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.”

The emails also show that the White House asked the association for examples of threats against school board members days before Attorney General Merrick Garland created a task force of officials from the FBI and the Justice Department to determine how to prosecute alleged crimes at school board meetings.

The letter makes clear that the White House was aware of the letter before it was released, while raising questions about whether the White House colluded with the association on the letter to prompt federal action. The letter has sparked allegations that the Biden administration is trying to stifle dissent among parents who oppose mask mandates and the teaching of critical race theory at America’s schools. School board meetings have become battlegrounds for factions of parents torn on those issues. Parents in some districts have organized recall efforts to remove school board members who support mandates or radical curricula.

It remains unclear whether the White House pressured the Department of Justice to create the school board task force. Garland testified before the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday that he did not speak to the White House about his memo creating the school board task force. But he did say it is likely that White House and Justice Department officials discussed the association’s letter raising concerns about school board meetings.

Given how authoritarian Biden has been this year, I truly believe Biden called up his AG buddy at the DOJ and told him to get right on this.

Now if you remember, Trump was constantly questioned about his involvement in ordering DOJ investigations. So I’m sure reporters will line up outside the Oval Office to ask Biden about this all the same. Any objective reporter would, especially given this report.

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