REPORT: Trump at “war with himself” over ending DACA

The other day we reported that Trump was seriously considering ending DACA, the unconstitutional Obama amnesty program for illegals. Well apparently that wasn’t the whole story:

FREE BEACON – President Donald Trump’s sympathy for those with protected immigration status through Barack Obama’s controversial Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) may be pushing him to reverse his campaign position to end the program.

Trump is “at war with himself” over his policy preference against amnesty for illegal immigrants and simultaneous sympathy for DACA recipients, Politico reported Wednesday. The White House staff is also divided on the program, with chief of staff John Kelly supporting it and policy advisers such as Stephen Miller telling the president to end it.

“I would be very uncomfortable saying where the president is leaning,” a senior White House aide told Politico. “I don’t have a clear sense of where he’ll go.”

This follows earlier reports that Trump would either end the program or let it expire, which would have been in line with the immigration hard line he took on the campaign trail but then partly reversed in January. Trump allowed so-called Dreamers to stay in the country when he came into office.

I’m gonna have to side with Stephen Miller on this one. The program needs to go for one reason and one reason only, it is unconstitutional. As much as I wouldn’t like it, if Congress wants to create a legal DACA program they can do it. But as of right now the one that Trump promised he would end is still running strong and it needs to end.

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