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REPORT: Trump may hold competing event to Fox News debate in August

Not only does Trump not want to show up at the Fox News sponsored Republican debate in August, he’s considering holding a competing event at the same time.

Here’s more from Newsmax:

Former President Donald Trump is considering skipping the first GOP presidential debate and holding a separate event at the same time in August, according to people familiar with his deliberations who spoke with NBC News.

“He is not going to debate unless he’s forced to by changing polling,” said a person who has encouraged Trump to participate in the GOP event. “I disagree with it, but it is where he is.”

The report comes a day after Trump complained on Truth Social that Fox News did not cover his recent speech in Michigan or his address to the Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference in Washington, D.C.

One adviser told NBC that Trump has shopped opinions with “everyone and will get, like, 100 different opinions.

“He wants to know what everyone thinks but will ultimately do what he wants to do. In general, he is asking everyone, from the bellman to [RNC Chair] Ronna McDaniel.”

Trump hasn’t made a final decision, the adviser said, “but if he does not debate, I doubt he’s staying home.”

I really doubt at this point Trump would go near a Fox News debate, especially with so many people slated to be there. I imagine he’ll hold a Trump rally or do some event like he did in 2016 to raise money for some charity.

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