REPORT: Turns out Comey will NOT accuse Trump of obstructing justice on Thursday…

Well look what we have here. If this report is true, the left’s new anti-Trump hero won’t be making any accusations that Trump was trying to obstruct justice, which really takes the air out of their balloon:

ABC NEWS – There will be much in former FBI Director James Comey’s upcoming congressional testimony that will make the White House uncomfortable, but he will stop short of saying the president interfered with the agency’s probe into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, a source familiar with Comey’s thinking told ABC News.

Although Comey has told associates he will not accuse the President of obstructing justice, he will dispute the president’s contention that Comey told him three times he is not under investigation.

The president allegedly said he hoped Comey would drop the Flynn investigation, a request that concerned Comey enough that he documented the conversation in a memo shortly after speaking with the president. In the memo, according to sources close to Comey who reviewed it, Trump said: “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go,” during a February meeting.

The request made Comey uncomfortable, but the source tells ABC News that Comey has told associates he will not accuse the President of obstructing justice.

“He is not going to Congress to make accusations about the President’s intent, instead he’s there to share his concerns,” the source said, and tell the committee “what made him uneasy” and why he felt a need to write the memo documenting the conversation.

Some legal experts told ABC News that Trump’s requests as detailed in the memo, which ABC News has not seen, could meet the legal definition of obstruction.

Comey told associates he plans to testify that despite the unusual request from the president he believed strongly that if he did his job properly he could conduct the investigation in an honest way.

I told you Comey is acting like a woman scorn. He’s angry he got fired and he will use the hearing to lash out as much as he can at Trump. He’ll voice his concerns about Trump and I’m sure that he’ll give the media and the left something to tickle their ears in the hearing, but it won’t be what they really want and that is something they can use to argue from Trump’s impeachment.

It wouldn’t surprise me if the entire hearing turns out to be a dud. While he may have some legitimate concerns about Trump, we all have legitimate concerns about him and his politicization of investigations. So it’s not like he’s the beacon of honesty and integrity.

If Trump turns out to be the kettle in this hearing, I hope Republicans expose just how much of a pot he is himself.

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