Rick Santorum does NOT support SOPA

I really don’t understand the need to smear people in this election cycle. A blog over at RedState (not on front page) has the headline “Santorum supports SOPA” and then has the video below as the body with this little quote to mislead people:

“My general feeling is that we have a free market and a free market that works; but, like any freedom–there has to be regulation….”

Let me point this out before you even watch the video that he says this in the video regarding SOPA:

I can’t say that, with respect to that bill, that I’m familiar enough with it that I can say that I have an opinion one way or the other on it.

It’s clear he’s saying that he doesn’t know enough about that bill to put his support behind it, therefore he doesn’t support the bill. OK? It’s not that hard to understand.

That being said, the video below is really more of a general thought of his on the need for responsible regulations on the internet to protect people. And I think he makes a good case for his general position:

But in regards to SOPA, specifically, here is Rep. Issa, who is familiar with the bill citing his concerns for the bill:

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