San Francisco is allowing illegals to VOTE, but only few have registered and the reason why is AWESOME!

The sanctuary city of San Francisco is actually allowing illegals to vote in their local elections – specifically in their local school board race, according to ABC News.

In 2016 voters in San Francisco approved a referendum that gave anyone who was a parent or guardian of a child in the public school system the right to have input over their child’s education by helping elect members of the school board. It doesn’t matter if you are a noncitizen. Legal or illegal, you can vote.

All anyone has to do is provide their address and date of birth to register.

But here’s the catch. ABC News says only 35 noncitizens have registered to vote!

Why? In a word, TRUMP!

“We’re in an unprecedented arena of animosity toward our immigrant community, and that has really stopped people from voting,” said San Francisco Supervisor Sandra Fewer, a former member of the school board and a supporter of the noncitizen voting measure.

The Chinese American Voters Education Committee has been holding voter registration campaigns on college campuses, in low-income neighborhoods, at festivals and in Chinatown. Volunteers have not registered a single noncitizen, including a green-card holder, executive director David Lee said.

“People are really fearful because the Trump administration is perceived to be very anti-immigrant,” Lee said. “There is legitimate concern that their information may be turned over to the federal government and that they may end up being detained or deported.”

Lee and other community groups have been inviting prospective voters to register but also warning them of the risks. The city election department also has warnings on its registration form and on flyers saying voter information would be public and could be seen by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and other agencies.

I love it. The Trump administration’s crackdown and deportation of illegal immigrants is why illegals in San Francisco don’t want to go on the record with their names and addresses in order to vote. So in other words, these leftists vote in their liberal voting policies but Trump is still getting the last word, which is awesome.

Just the other day, Trump tweeted this, and it could have some bearing on this as well:

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