San Francisco PD bans cops from wearing ‘thin blue line’ flag masks after public outrage

OK. So. Look, it’s a rough time these days. There’s a lot of misleading headlines out there. And I know we’re all busy, and we love to be outraged, but we don’t like pausing to check if the thing that is causing our outrage is actually worth it or being reported fairly. I get it. But you should probably still check stuff. Like this for instance:

Washington Times. Good people. Generally decent headlines. Not on this one though.

Because it sounds like they’re saying that the police are out there bopping people on the heads with their nightsticks if they dare wear a mask with an American flag and a thin blue line in it and tossing them into FEMA concentration camps.

Not quite.

Now maybe you will STILL be outraged by a more accurate headline. But still, read the content:

San Francisco’s police chief said the city’s rank and file will wear neutral face coverings to defuse a controversy that was sparked when officers sent to patrol a May Day protest wore masks adorned with the “thin blue line” flag.

The police union ordered and distributed the masks emblazoned with black-and-white American flag with a blue stripe across the middle. The symbol is associated with the Blue Lives Matter movement, a display of unity among police officers in response to the national Black Lives Matter movement.

Also, as much I am pro-cop generally, isn’t it against the flag code to slap a blue line in it? Hmmm me thinks, technically, yes. Here’s what the police chief said:

In an email obtained by KTVU-TV, Chief Bill Scott told his officers Friday he considered the blue flag and stripe “a meaningful expression to honor fallen officers.” However, he worried that some may perceive the symbol as “divisive and disrespectful.”

Mhmm. We all know who he is talking about. The “black lives matter” people. Mhmm.

Not only is it against the flag code, but it’s kinda against cop code:

A retired civil rights lawyer told the San Francisco Chronicle the masks, which also includes the logo for the San Francisco Police Officers Association, violate a long-standing policy that bars police from expressing political opinions while wearing their uniforms.

“The thin blue line is a political symbol,” John Crew said. “And it’s a POA-branded mask. It’s like wearing a political button.”

So, for all these reasons, I’m not so opposed to their telling cops to wear something else. I mean, they can wear the American flag, right? Or other cop designs? Not according to Tony Montoya dammit!!

The police union president, Tony Montoya, said the union had shown the masks to Scott’s command staff, and several of them had asked for more than one. The blue line “represents law enforcement’s separation of order and chaos,” he said.

And that’s fine. Wear it on your own time. I’m sure I’ll get murdered in the comments. Have at it, friends.

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Well that’s it for Sunday. Thanks again for all your comments, even the ones that disagree with me, and for sharing our posts, we really appreciate it.

Now have an open thread. Here’s some comment fodder:

That’s not good.

Have a great Sunday!!

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