Senate Intel Chairman says his investigation shows NOTHING “that would suggest there was collusion by the Trump campaign and Russia”

Richard Burr, the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee says that after two years of digging, they don’t have anything that would suggest that there was collusion between Trump’s 2016 campaign and Russia:

DAILY CALLER – After more than two years of investigation, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has not found evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, the committee’s Republican chairman said in interview.

“If we write a report based upon the facts that we have, then we don’t have anything that would suggest there was collusion by the Trump campaign and Russia,” North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr told CBS News.

“If I can finish tomorrow, I would finish tomorrow,” said Burr, adding, “We know we’re getting to the bottom of the barrel because there’re not new questions that we’re searching for answers to.”

The Senate panel has conducted more than 200 witness interviews and reviewed hundreds of thousands of documents as part of an investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. The investigation, which has focused heavily on the collusion question, began in January 2017, alongside a parallel probe run out of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

Trump has said from the beginning that he never colluded with Russia and that’s what it looks like two years later. I know, I know, Mueller’s investigation isn’t over yet. But this is exactly what Peter King was saying to Katy Tur the other day, that he’s seen everything and so far he’s seen nothing that indicates collusion.

This is why Democrats are going to go nuts investigating harassing Trump over the next two years, because their first attempts failed to find anything.

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