Senator John Kennedy gets to the HEART of Democrat attacks on the Supreme Court [VIDEO]

Democrats in the Senate are holding a hearing today trying to undermine the Supreme Court over a phony ethics scandal they’ve created against Justice Clarence Thomas.

In short, they are claiming that Thomas received transportation and lodging from a Republican mega donor and that he didn’t disclose such gifts as a member of the high court.

The problems with this phony scandal are twofold. Thomas happens to be very close friends with this ‘mega donor’ and was not required to disclose these gifts because they were from a close friend. Secondly, this friend has never brought any cases before the Supreme Court because this isn’t about the Supreme Court at all. It’s just about a friend being a friend.

But the truth of this hasn’t stopped Democrats from waging war on the high court and in the hearing today, Senator John Kennedy gets to the heart of their actual problem with the court:

“The danger isn’t that rogue justices are operating without ethics. It’s that Democrats aren’t winning every fight and they find that reality intolerable. I’ve been disappointed by Supreme Court opinions too. But my Democratic colleagues should fill out a hurt feelings report and move on for the sake of the Constitution.”

Senator Kennedy truly has a way with words. But the reality is they won’t move on because they are waging war on the high court because they don’t control it any longer, thanks to former President Trump.

They won’t stop until they remake the court in their image and we’ll all rue the day should that happen.

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