“SHAMEFUL!” – Dana Loesch calls Democrats out for FEAR-MONGERING over 3D-printed guns

Dana Loesch was on Fox and Friends this morning where she address the misinformation and fear-mongering propagated by Democrats and the media over 3D-printed guns.


I like how Loesch points out the sheer cost of a good 3D printer. If you google them, they are multiple thousands of dollars for one that can handle the kind of plastic needed in a gun.

As a gun consumer, I know that you can go to the store right now and get a gun for just a couple of hundred bucks, or less! Why on earth would someone spend thousands of dollars to make one when they could just find a cheap illegal gun on the black market, as Dana points out – or steal one from somebody?

She’s also right that if people want to make one ‘illegally’ – that is untraceable and without medal – they can do that. But criminals are going to criminal – no matter what you do.

Watch the video for more…

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