And in today’s edition of “look at this hypocritical liberal,” we have Bernie Sanders, the grump socialist, who demands that everyone in America pay their employees at least $15 no matter what their wages are actually worth in the free market. Now let’s see what he pays his interns!
Included in the 62 million workers making under $15 hour are members of Bernie Sanders’ own staff. According to the senators’ website, Interns are paid only $12 an hour.
In [Bernie’s] bill’s summary, the first bullet point reads, “No one working full time should be in poverty. It is time to pay workers a living wage of at least $15 an hour.”
Apparently, though, Bernie Sanders’ interns are excluded from that assessment.
So how come their labor isn’t worth $15 an hour? And could it possibly that if their labor isn’t worth that much, then there are reasons why others’ labor might not be worth that much either? Not to socialist morons.