Tavis Smiley: Ben Carson is a ‘BLACK bull in a Republican China Shop’

Tavis Smiley was brought on the BillO show to discuss a race-based attack by Cynthia Tucker on Ben Carson over his attacks on Obamacare. Here’s what she wrote:

But the good doctor’s foray into Republican presidential politics threatens to become his epitaph, to overshadow — perhaps even to overwhelm — his academic and surgical accomplishments. He will likely be remembered as the GOP’s latest black mascot, a court jester, a minstrel show. He’ll be the Herman Cain of 2016.

BillO is incensed by this racial attack, but he doesn’t get the same reaction from Smiley, who essentially refuses to criticize Tucker. Instead, he begins attacking Carson as well, calling him a ‘black bull in a china shop’ and saying basically the same thing as Tucker, that Carson will do himself irreparable damage in the black community and to the Republican Party or something.


You can just feel the anger and disdain that Smiley has for Carson. It’s pathetic. They are going to try and tear him down just like they did Herman Cain, even if they have to make it up.

If they aren’t careful, they may end up making Carson look like a victim and then I’m gonna have to vote for him.

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