Teacher forced to remove Blue Lives Matter flag while BLM flag still allowed

Jason Rantz writes that a middle school in Marysville, MI has forced a teacher to remove a Blue Lives Matter flag from their classroom while both BLM and LGBT flags and signs are allowed:

MYNORTHWEST – A local school district forced a middle school teacher to remove a pro-police flag from her classroom wall. But the district allows Black Lives Matter and LGBT messages to be displayed.

The teacher at Marysville Middle School posted a Thin Blue Line flag in her classroom. It was meant to support the police. But according to documents obtained by the Jason Rantz Show on KTTH, the district’s human resources said the flag is a “political symbol” that could elicit a “disruption” in the classroom. She was ordered to take it down.

But why are BLM and LGBT displays allowed to stay up? While the district refuses to answer, the teacher’s brother says school staff indicated anti-police sentiment informed the decision.

The teacher is supportive of law enforcement. Her brother, Chris Sutherland, is a former officer with the Marysville Police Department. He was also a school resource officer during the deadly Marysville Pilchuck High School shooting.

The teacher first placed a Thin Blue Line sticker on her laptop to honor her brother and other law enforcement officers. The image is a symbol of support for the work of police officers to keep communities safe.

At the time, an assistant principal objected to the sticker.

According to an HR document on the incident, she alerted the teacher to “concerns about how students, families, and community members might interpret what the image is intending to communicate, and that this interpretation may cause a disruption to the learning environment.”

But the teacher says the objections were soon dropped.

Shortly after, the HR document says the teacher displayed a Thin Blue Line flag on her classroom’s bulletin board. She posted photos of her brother around the flag. Then, a second assistant principal ordered her to take the flag down.

“They told her that it’s controversial to have that flag up. That it makes kids and staff feel unsafe, which to me, that does not make sense at all,” Sutherland explained on the Jason Rantz Show on KTTH.

This is how bassackwards our country has become. Supporting police with a Blue Lives Matter flag is not political at all because they risk their lives for us every day they put on their uniforms. They are the ones putting their lives on the line to keep us safe and we should absolutely support them. Displaying a ‘Blue Lives Matter’ flag is only seen as ‘political’ or ‘offensive’ by those who hate police, who want to see police officers replaced by social workers and psychiatrists.

But hey, if you are going to ban the Blue Lives Matter flag, then you must do the same with the BLM flag, which is inherently political. But they won’t do that. Instead of educating these nitwits who are offended, they would rather pretend that BLMers are victims with legitimate grievances and cater to their every offense.

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