Ted Cruz calls out Portland Mayor LIKE A BOSS

The other day Ted Cruz called for the DOJ to investigate the Mayor of Portland, Ted Wheeler, accusing him of ordering his police to allow citizens to be attacked by Antifa:

Wheeler turned around with this response, denying it…

But today Ted Cruz hit right back with a few uncomfortable facts for the Portland mayor:

Wow. Here’s betting that Wheeler doesn’t respond to that one.

Below is the portion of the resolution that Cruz linked to that dealt with the mayor:

Whereas the Mayor of Portland, Oregon, Ted Wheeler, barred the Portland Police Bureau from coming to the aid of ICE employees, stating, ‘‘I do not want the @PortlandPolice to be engaged or sucked into a conflict, particularly from a Federal agency that I believe is on the wrong track . . . If they are looking for a bailout from this mayor, they are looking in the wrong place.’’;

Whereas the ICE office in southwest Portland was shut down for days due to threats and occupation;

This mayor sounds like a liberal scumbag. Ted Cruz was right the first time. Wheeler needs to be investigated.

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