Ted Cruz CHALLENGES O’Rourke on caravan – and Beto FAILS it bigtime!!

So the TedNado made a simple request of the media to ask Beto O’Rourke what his answer for the caravan was, and whether his campaign had made donations to the migrants.

And actually, the media has neglected to ask ANY Democrat the first question, while whining and bleating about Republicans and the Trump answer to the caravan.

The second part is based on the video from James O’Keefe where Beto staffers admit rerouting campaign money to help the migrants. You can read more about that here.

Check out how wannabe-Hispanic O’Rourke responds:

Wow great non-answer.

He’s completely right and if it were a Republican doing that, the media would be all over it. Instead, they give Beto a pass, while the TedNado is doing the job of running for another term AND doing their job of journalism!! What a hard-working TedNado….

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