Ted Cruz: I don’t want to see a conservative court!

Ted Cruz was on Fox News today to weigh in on the Supreme Court vacancy and at one point explained that he doesn’t want a conservative court. If you want, skip ahead to just before the 3 minute mark. Or watch the whole thing:

Ted Cruz says that he wants an activist court like the liberals want!

NO, I kid I kid.

What Cruz is saying is that liberals want an activist court that will do their bidding, whatever it may be. Cruz argues that he doesn’t want a conservative court that is mandating conservative policy outcomes. He believes that’s the job of the legislature. No, Cruz says he wants a court that is faithful to the Constitution and the law as it is written.

Cruz also names who the thinks would be the best Supreme Court Justice pick right now. I’ll make you watch it to figure out who that would be, but if you’ve been paying attention you can probably make a good guess.

If you really don’t want to watch it, then figure out from this: Wᴉʞǝ ˥ǝǝ.

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