That fat dumb and bald guy, sure loves a mean TikTok: Brian Stelter GIDDY that people interfered with Democracy

Brian Stelter is the kind of professional jackass that keeps the dream alive for amateur jackasses everywhere. His weekly braying on CNN, mostly about competitor Fox News (If you can call the ratings titan that dwarfs his network a competitor), is 90% liberal id, 10% ego, and zero percent super ego.

And that’s not even the worst accurate thing you can say about this guy’s weekly display of limited IQ and social justice groveling. He is not in any literal way a journalist who delivers or analyzes news. He’s a professional complainer, a whiner, and CNN has him on air just so he can gripe and groan about whatever it is that it will help the Marxists to whine and groan about.

UNLESS he’s on to gloat about and revel in something mean, which is fully half of what he does. Like he did today.

And after his glee over this trick, he then went ahead and trolled Trump about attendance anyway.

It may seem like among Stelter’s many weekly transgressions and bottomless well of putrescence, that this particular moment of Stelter-ing is an odd one to go full tilt at, but it’s not. It’s dang near perfect. It’s everything these people pretend upsets and dismays them, that they wring their hands over and fret might happen, and when it actually happens they’re busting out of their britches with tumescent ecstasy because of who it happened to. It’s a gross spectacle, but it’s the perfect Stelter moment.

On the bright side, he’s getting called out.

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