The late nutcase Gordito Hugo Chavez loved him some Mahdi

Chavez was truly a pathetic creature. Hope he enjoyed that express ride that he took on the hellivator. Where is your Mahdi now Hugo? Is it hot in there? Need some water to cool that burning tongue of yours? Ahhhh, too bad. No more water for you. Stop crying Hugo, your buddy Spicoli would be very disappointed in you if he could see you now. But then again there is this wisdom from your pal: “All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I’m fine.” Better you than him then, huh Hugo?

A Time To Betray – Late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who died of cancer this week, urged the Shiite Muslims’ 12th Imam, Mahdi, to return to Earth sooner than prophesied, as revealed in a video released by Rajanews, a media outlet of Iran’s ruling Islamic regime.

Shiites believe Mahdi, the last Islamic messiah, will only come back to Earth after a great conflagration engulfs the Middle East, setting the stage for global Armageddon. When Mahdi returns, Shiites believe, Jesus Christ will be at his side. Chavez was a Catholic.

Rajanews praised Chavez as a serious world leader who supported the Palestinian cause despite the absence of some Arab leaders. Chavez said in the video that global enmity “is located in Gaza” and that the fight for Gaza and the Palestinian cause “is beneficial for Venezuela, too.”

Chavez, in a meeting with Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian National Authority, talked of his belief in the Coming of Mahdi, according to the video, and said, “The ultimate war of them all is the war in Gaza.”

In the video, which is not dated, but appears to have been captured during a signing of agreements at the Miraflores presidential palace in Caracas, Nov. 27, 2009, Chavez told his audience “Quds (Jerusalem) is a holy place for all of us Christians. I spoke with (Iranian President Mahmoud) Ahmadinejad about the day that Islam’s Quran says both (Mahdi and Christ) will return. Jesus, holding hands with the 12th Imam, Mahdi. … Then peace will come upon the world. I tell Christ and Mahdi to come sooner, rush now, come sooner … because we witness the threats posed to the world, my God!”


H/t Reza Khalili

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