The MOOCH backs TRUMP against Cohen, but DEFENDS banned CNN reporter…

The MOOCH gave another entertaining interview this morning, and interestingly, he backed Trump against the Cohen report, but defended the reporter who was “banned” from the White House this week.

Watch below:

I still get the sense from these interview that the Mooch is desperately trying to get back into the White House, but he made some decent points. In any case, it’s also interesting that everyone assumes the Cohen news came from Cohen, when Lanny Davis has denied it. And IF it came from Giuliani, I have to think there are only two options for what it means. Either 1) Giuliani is a horrible lawyer who is destroying his own client’s case, or, 2) the Trump legal camp is fearless for what Cohen might have on them because they know he has nothing, or there’s nothing to be had.

Don’t miss the last part of the interview where the Mooooch backs the CNN reporter who was banned from the White House. He says she was just doing her job. You know who else was just following orders? THE NAZIS, that’s who!!! Also, #MAGA!!!

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