There are three more Republican debates in January but not in conjunction with the RNC

The RNC has just put out a statement saying they are officially halting their Republican presidential primary debates, saying it’s time for the voters to decide.

But that doesn’t mean the debate are over. Both ABC and CNN have scheduled three more debates in January, ahead of the Iowa Caucuses and the New Hampshire Republican Primary.

Here’s the news via The Hill:

ABC News announced Thursday that it will host the sixth GOP debate on Jan. 18 in Manchester, N.H, set to take place just days before a CNN event at the same location.

“ABC News is excited to host this Republican debate with our partners in the nation’s first primary state of New Hampshire,” ABC News President Kim Godwin said in a statement. “Our powerhouse political team has been working hard on this debate to provide our audience with the opportunity to hear from the candidates at this decisive moment in the primary race.”

The ABC debate will take place at St. Anselm College and will occur just after the Iowa caucuses, the first vote of the primary season, concludes on Jan. 15.

Specific details on moderators, format and candidate qualification are forthcoming, ABC said.

CNN announced a pair of debates Wednesday, an Iowa event at Drake University set for Jan. 10 and a New Hampshire debate also at St. Anselm College on Jan. 21.

I’m honestly tired of these debates. I thought we were done on Wednesday night and now we’ve got three more in January. How much more about them can we learn from these debates that we don’t already know? This just feels like CNN and ABC trying to get in on the ratings…

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