This latest Sarah Sanders narrative is just so STUPID

Today Sarah Sanders was asked by a stupid reporter if she could guarantee that we would never hear Trump say the n-word on a recording in any context.

It was totally a setup so the media could print stories like this in TMZ:

Here’s the actual Q&A:

I mean really, what kind of question is this? Does the media think Sarah Sanders can become a godlike being to make sure there is never a tape like this?

I mean how could Sanders possibly guarantee anything about Trump? Or for that matter guarantee anything about anyone but herself?

It’s a dumb question that the media already knows the answer to, and they only ask it so that they can make it seem like even Trump’s own people don’t trust him enough to make such a guarantee. But it’s really an impossibility, which is why it’s so stupid.

On the flip side, what would the media say if Sanders did guarantee it? They’d mocker her knowing full well Trump could say anything and it’d be dumb to make such a guarantee.

Like I said, just a pointless stupid headline from a dumb journalist.

And all of this after she badgered Sanders about whether she actually asked Trump if he said it. As Sanders pointed out, Trump had already denied it on Twitter so there was no need to ask.

Here’s the whole video if you want to watch it:

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