This segment from The View made me lose it and YELL at my computer…

The hackling cackling ladies at The View have absolutely lost it. I’m not kidding.

Whoopie Goldberg and her socialist brigade actually had the gall to say that Tucker’s segments on January 6th should be treated as recruitment for domestic terrorists.

“This should be against the law,” she clucked.

Good grief.

“You should not be able to lie to the American people knowingly.”

If that’s the bar Whoopie wants to set then they need to cancel The View right now. Because they are LYING to the American people about Tucker’s segment.

He never said there wasn’t a riot on January 6th. We’ve all seen the videos of that for the last two years. No one is disputing the vandalism and theft that took place in the Capitol that day. Tucker isn’t disputing it either and talked about it on his segment on J6.

But it was not some insurrection like the American people have been told. Many of the people in the Capitol that day were peaceful. The video he shows proves this! And that’s the whole point of his segment.

Tucker showed what Democrats and the media haven’t wanted us to see. He showed us a guy serving nearly four years in prison walking around with the Capitol Police nearly everywhere he went. He showed us a police officer who was supposedly blugeoned with a fire extinguisher walking around just fine and dandy. He showed us people in the Captiol who weren’t there to riot and tear down the place, but were just there to sight see and take pictures.

And for this ‘crime’, Whoopie thinks Tucker should be locked away in prison too, I guess. I mean that is the logical deduction from her outlandish comments on Tucker’s segment being recruitment for domestic terrorists.

But this isn’t what made me yell at my computer. It’s terrible and maybe it was the sum of the entire segment up to this point.

What really got my dander up was when Whoopie started claiming that “the first amendment doesn’t allow you to willingly lie” and then she proceeded to agree with the token RINO at the table who declared that Tucker Carlson was more destructive to this country that Donald Trump. Whoopie said “I think they’re all destuctive because they lie willingly!”

At this point I’m yelling “What about Joe Biden??? He lies all the freaking time and he’s the president! What the hell about him??”

I had to shut it off at that point. I just can’t take it. They lie. Joe Biden lies. But they only get righteous indignation about what they claim are lies from Tucker Carlson, and they are NOT! I don’t care what Mitch McConnell says about it.

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