Transgender ‘woman’ goes BERSERK after store clerk uses ‘wrong’ pronoun

A dude trying to look like a lady went berserk after a store clerk at an Albuquerque GameStop used the ‘wrong’ pronoun. ‘He’ started dropping multiple f-bombs and threatened violence against the clerk all because he said ‘sir’:


Here’s the same video tweeted by an idiot lib who thinks the store clerk denied the tranny’s existence or something (Update: I’ve been informed this account is not an idiot lib…but a satire account. Either way, I posted it for the video so make if it what you will):

Absolutely ridiculous.

While I can’t speak to the clerk’s motivations, my guess is he was just calling it like he saw it and not trying to intentionally offend. But this tranny dude going berserk like this is completely uncalled for. After becoming so belligerent and trying to tear up the store, I’d have called the cops and had him kicked out of the store officially.

Unfortunately, the tranny dude will probably complain and get this store clerk fired. After all, that seems to be the world we live in nowadays. And it’s totally pathetic.

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