Trump addresses the blowback on his abortion comments, tries to mend fences with pro-lifers…

Trump posted on Trump Social today regarding the blowback on his abortion comments and tried to explain himself further and mend fences with the pro-life community.

We’ll cut to the chase and post what he said below:

I just don’t get the ‘negotiation’ talk because there is no negotiating with Democrats on abortion. This is their sacred cow. And I really just don’t know what ‘negotiation’ would even look like in this regard. If the decision belongs with the states, as Trump suggests, then why would you pursue a compromise with Democrats at the federal level that would undermine what some red states have done to virtually end abortion in their states. I’m just not following his line of thinking here.

I do appreciate that he told us where he stands on the exceptions. I could handle that if that’s the most disagreement we had on the issue. As most of you know, I don’t agree with rape and incest exceptions because a life is precious even if it comes into the world in unfortunate and violent circumstances. Killing a baby is still killing a baby no matter how one justifies or rationalizes it. But it still sounds to me like he’s okay with abortion up to a certain point. Just judging from his posts, it sounds like he’s okay with it up to four months. That’s barbaric to me.

At the end of the day he didn’t take back his comments about the heartbeat bills and that’s a huge problem for me. So yeah, these posts didn’t do much for me.

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