Trump BLASTS Pelosi “for trying to defend this monster” Soleimani — [BONUS: Reminder how Pelosi defended Obama attacks in Libya]

In her presser today, Pelosi once again accused Trump executing a “provocative, disproportionate airstrike against Iran” that put American lives in danger:

She also made the argument that this could be considered an attack on Iran:

This is how bad Democrats hate Trump, that they have to go to these ridiculous lengths just to make Trump look bad. There was nothing disproportionate about this attack. Soleimani was planning more attacks on Americans AFTER his Iranian militia group killed an American contractor and wounded others. Killing Soleimani saved American lives, but Democrats like Pelosi refuse to acknowledge this as they continue to maintain that it only ‘endangered’ American lives.

Trump blasted Pelosi for her comments later this morning, saying it really bothers him when she tries “to defend this monster”:

Just to put this into perspective again, here’s a June 2011 article from The Hill noting how Pelosi responded to Obama launching attacks in Libya “in order to save lives”:

President Obama did not require Congress’s approval to launch attacks in Libya, nor does he need congressional authorization to keep U.S. forces there, the top House Democrat said Thursday.

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said the White House violated neither the Constitution nor the War Powers Resolution when it launched military operations in the war-torn African nation in March without Congress’s endorsement.

“The limited nature of this engagement allows the president to go forward,” Pelosi told reporters at the Capitol. “I’m satisfied that the president has the authority he needs to go ahead.

“If we had boots on the ground … then that’s a different story,” Pelosi added. “I don’t think they should stop the support that they’re giving to NATO to stop the humanitarian disaster.”

Obama has been under fire from members of both parties since he launched the Libya campaign in March while Congress was on recess. The administration has said the operation was necessary to save thousands – even tens of thousands – of civilians from government troops controlled by longtime Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi. The Pentagon quickly ceded control of the mission to NATO, but has retained forces in support of the international intervention.

Obama can bomb the heck out of Libya, eventually using American forces in league with NATO to take out Gaddafi, and that’s a-okay. These weren’t even American lives Obama was defending! But Trump is bad for killing one of the top terrorists in the world in order to save American lives? What a despicable hypocrite.

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