In a speech last night in Las Vegas, Trump told the crowd that you have to be a little establishment in order to get things done in Washington. He said you can’t be too tough and too strident because we have to make great deals.
In fact he said making great deals for everybody, like what Reagan did with Tip O’Neil, is what this country is really about.
Watch below (it’s cued up to 26:18):
And you know what? There’s a point at which let’s get to be a little establishment. We gotta get things done folks, okay? Believe me, don’t worry, we’re gonna make such great deals.
But at a certain point you can’t be so strident, you can’t not get along. We gotta get along with people.
You know in the old days, Ronald Reagan, and I remember it so vividly — I was a young guy, I helped Ronald Reagan and I really liked him. So what happens? Ronald Reagan would get along with Tip O’Neil. And they’d sit down. And they’d make great deals for everybody. That’s what the country’s about, really, isn’t it?
I mean we can all be tough but you know at some point we gotta get our country back on track.
Is this the kind of president you want, one who is openly admitting that you have to be establishment in order to get things done in DC? Remember, Trump’s idea of a great deal is going into Iowa and increasing the subsidies for ethanol. Not leaving them as they are, increasing them!
Is that the kind of president you want?
Not me.