Trump commits to NO federal role in banning abortions but does that make him pro-choice???

A Washington Post reporter queried former President Trump on whether he would seek to ban any abortions at the federal level when he’s president.

While they didn’t answer the question directly, they did indicate that Trump is satisfied with the Supreme Court’s decision last year and believe it’s an issue better left to the states.

Former president Donald Trump has barely spoken about the issue, telling advisers that he believes it is a difficult one for Republicans and not something he should focus his time on. His campaign did not directly answer whether Trump agreed with the six-week ban in Florida or what policies he would support nationally but instead said Trump believes the issue should be left up to individual states. “States’ rights,” Trump has said privately when advisers have floated the issue, adding his assessment that they should not talk about it.

“President Donald J. Trump believes that the Supreme Court, led by the three Justices which he supported, got it right when they ruled this is an issue that should be decided at the State level,” Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said in a statement. “Republicans have been trying to get this done for 50 years, but were unable to do so. President Trump, who is considered the most pro-life President in history, got it done. He will continue these policies when reelected to the White House. Like President Reagan before him, President Trump supports exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother.”

Asked again directly whether Trump agreed or disagreed with the law DeSantis signed, the campaign did not respond.

One such Twitter user then characterized Trump as being ‘pro-choice’ on abortion now because of this commitment:

I’m sorry but I have a problem with that. To suggest that Trump is now pro-choice ignores everything he did as president to help get us to this point, where states can now legally make all abortions illegal. Yes, some have gone the other way but this is a massive improvement over forcing all states to have legal abortions. So no, I refuse to characterize Trump as ‘pro-choice’ on the issue.

That said, I have been and always will be a proponent of a federal ban on abortions and would like a president who agrees with me on this. And yes, it’s still a big issue for me regardless of the Hobbs decision.

Abortion is still baby-murder and it’s happening in too many states. Those babies need protecting too and if it takes a federal ban to do that, then that is absolutely what should happen.

It may be the safe position to take to say that abortion is an issue to be left up to the states, but it’s not the right decision.

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