Trump demands that the “radical left Congresswomen” apologize

Trump is back to tweeting this morning that the “radical left Congresswomen” should apologize to America, Israel, and to the Office of the President:

I don’t believe for a moment that Israel feels abandoned based on the nonsense from ‘the Squad’. Trump has so embraced Israel that I think it would take a lot more than anti-Semtism from these four to make them feel ‘abandoned’.

Trump then continued with a long quote from Lindsey Graham this morning calling them communists:

Graham is not wrong that these are very anti-American policies being pushed by AOC and her cronies. I don’t know that I’d call them communists per se, but they are radical socialists for sure. I know, not a lot of difference.

But let me just say something quickly about Trump’s recent tweeting. I saw his tweets from yesterday morning and while I don’t think they were racist, I do think they were stupid. Telling people to go back to the country they came from when most of them were clearly born in America just makes Trump look like an idiot, and I don’t like it when that happens. I get his overall point and I know he’s referring to their heritage, but what a clunky way to make such a point.

Trump really needs to stop knee-jerking on Twitter like this when something pops into his head. It’s not only a bad look for him, but it makes it difficult on every politician who supports him because they are the ones who have to defend these tweets in interviews with media hosts who are trying to score easy points with it. If he would just put more thought into his attack tweets, it would make it so much easier on everyone.

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