Trump gets a temporary WIN in Oregon over ballot challenge

Donald Trump has gotten a temporary win in the state of Oregon against his opponents who want him taken off the ballot, claiming he’s disqualified.

The high court in the state is, for now, deferring to the Supreme Court and is refusing to take up the matter because of their soon-to-be decision.

Here’s more from The Hill:

The Oregon Supreme Court enabled former President Trump to remain on the state’s primary ballot Friday, declining to take up a challenge to his eligibility, for now.

The court said it would instead wait for the U.S. Supreme Court’s upcoming decision on whether Trump can be disqualified from the ballot under the 14th Amendment.

“Because a decision by the United States Supreme Court regarding the Fourteenth Amendment issue may resolve one or more contentions that relators make in the Oregon proceeding, the Oregon Supreme Court denied their petition for mandamus, by order, but without prejudice to their ability to file a new petition seeking resolution of any issue that may remain following a decision by the United States Supreme Court,” the court said in a release.

Anti-Trump groups have filed challenges to Trump’s ballot placement in states across the country, although most of the lawsuits have largely been unsuccessful.

The Oregon lawsuit was filed on behalf of five voters by nonprofit Free Speech For People, which has helped lead a national campaign seeking Trump’s removal.

In total, the group has filed challenges to Trump’s ballot eligibility in five states. Courts have declined to remove Trump’s name on the ballot in response to their challenges in Michigan and Minnesota, but the group has also filed lawsuits in Illinois and Massachusetts that remain pending.

I really hope the Supreme court puts all of this to bed and soon. It’s ridiculous on its face and it needs to be squashed.

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