Trump goes after CNN and the “Fake News Universe” over fake MAGA hat controversy

Just as the White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders did earlier today, Trump just blasted CNN and the “Fake News Universe” for going nuts over his signing of the MAGA hats for the troops.

CNN & others within the Fake News Universe were going wild about my signing MAGA hats for our military in Iraq and Germany. If these brave young people ask me to sign their hat, I will sign. Can you imagine my saying NO? We brought or gave NO hats as the Fake News first reported!

He confirms what we already knew, that Trump didn’t bring the MAGA hats with him. The troops already had them and wanted Trump to sign them.

And like he said, how would it have gone over if he said no?

CNN and the “Fake News Universe” would probably be blasting him for that too. LOL. Trump seriously can’t win with the media no matter what he does.

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