Trump is losing his mind over DeSantis

A few hours ago Trump decided to attack Governor DeSantis again, the man the he happily endorsed for governor back in 2018 and voted for last November.

In his latest attack, Trump is suggesting that DeSantis hasn’t done anything to improve the state of Florida.

He claims that people are fleeing to the state of Florida, not because of what DeSantis has done for the state, but because of high taxes.

It’s true that people are fleeing because of high taxes and out-of-control crime, but then why go to Florida? Why not go to any other state that isn’t run by Democrats?

To make his point Trump actually praises Charlie Crist, saying “even Charlie Crist had very good numbers.”

But he won’t say this about DeSantis, who has done so much for the state that he got reelected by a whopping 20 points.

As we pointed out, Trump voted for DeSantis in November. But with these attacks, it now appears he might regret that vote. Maybe now he would rather have voted for Crist instead.

The truth is Trump loved DeSantis until he became a threat to his reelection. Now, in his super petty way, he’s calling DeSantis a RINO and suggesting he’s done nothing to make the state the beacon of freedom that it is today.

Trump is losing his mind over DeSantis, to the point that he has to smear him and lie about him to attack him.

It’s the same thing we saw in 2016 when Trump began his nasty attacks on other Republicans. But in this case, DeSantis hasn’t even declared that he’s running in 2024. Clearly Trump believes he will, which is why he’s attacking DeSantis with these lies nearly every other day.

You know, George Soros might not have been far off when he suggested Trump would run third party if he lost the primary and ruin it for Republicans. Trump has an ego the size of Texas and he feels that 2020 was stolen from him. This is truly a concern of mine.

Exit question: By the logic of some Trump supporters, would Trump praising Charlie Crist be seen as an endorsement of the man?

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