Trump moves rally date after outrage over Tulsa Juneteenth coincidence…

El Presidente Trumpo has changed his big big rally date after people absolutely flipped out because it coincided with the Juneteenth holiday and also would be in Tulsa where there was a horrific race riot against blacks a long time ago.

Interesting. For those who don’t know, Juneteenth celebrates the day when the last slave in the United States was finally liberated months after the Emancipation Proclamation because they didn’t have email back then and it took a while to get information around.

As for the Tulsa race riots, it’s a pretty shameful racist episode in U.S. history that few people know about, but it’s getting much more attention lately. You can read more about it here.

Some people are very happy Trump changed the date:

Which is weird because earlier he defended having the rally on that date:

While others are angry that he CAVED to the TERRORISTS:

Uh. Ok? I guess.

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