Trump NAILS Canada, FISA warrant, in morning twitter TIRADE!

El Trumpo was in fine tweeting form this morning when he ran off about whatever was rattling around in his head.

Then he went after Canada:

And the FISA warrant story we told you about last night:

Some, like right-of-center legal guy Gabriel Malor, think that story is not quite on the up and up.

But THIS is what is making headlines:

Of course, everyone knows by now this is a bluff. Canada is a YUGE trading partner of ours. Cutting off trade would hurt us both tremendously. BUT, Trump is so unpredictable, he may just do it. And that gives him negotiating leverage.

Economists disagree, free traders disagree, but Trump holds to this, and there’s enough people out there hurting that they support this strange non-conservative point of view. We’ll have to see if it gets anywhere…

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