Trump says he would ‘certainly implement’ a NATIONAL DATABASE for Muslims, then says he wouldn’t maybe…

El Trumpo told a reporter that he would make Muslims register in a national database, and a lot of people are criticizing him for it.

Watch below:

He had earlier said that he would consider shutting down some Mosques, but registering Muslims seems a tiny bit much, don’tcha think?

That’s what some on Fox News thought anyway, as they compared it to the Nazis making Jews wear a yellow star of David patch.

But then later, his campaign seemed to say that he didn’t actually say he’d “certainly implement” something like a Muslim database:

Those answers seemed at odds with a follow-up question from CNN’s Sara Murray in Newton. When Murray asked whether Trump would rule out a database for Muslims, he said he didn’t “know where you heard that.”

“Yahoo News asked you about it, you didn’t rule it out,” Murray said as Trump worked a ropeline after the event.

“No, I never — I never responded to that question,” Trump said.

“So would you not support it?” Murray asked.

“I never responded to that question, Sara,” Trump said.

He added that he didn’t “know who wrote it,” referring to the Yahoo News article, and declined to answer a follow-up question from Murray about whether he would “support something like that,” referring to a Muslim database. He also declined to respond when Murray asked “what’s your view of it?” as he continued down the ropeline.

His spokeswoman Katrina Pierson said Friday on Fox Business that Trump “is just saying he won’t rule anything out.”

“Those are a reporters’ words and now everyone is saying it’s all Trump. He’s simply saying he won’t take anything off the table,” Pierson said.

He added this on Twitter:

Hmmm. Flip flop or media bias? You tell us…

UPDATE!!! Wow you people are rancorous in the comments!! Anyway, check out this statement from Trump’s newly hired spokesperson, Katrina Pierson:

I’m not sure what she’s claiming here – is she saying that it would be legal for the U.S. to implement a Muslim only registration?

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