Trump says he’ll look into case of former Green Beret charged with MURDER of terrorist bomb maker!

Trump just keeps tweeting and making news – after his first tirade against the media and Mueller, he added that he’s going to look into the murder charges against former Green Beret Mathew Golsteyn, who admitted to killing a terrorist bomb maker against the rules of engagement. 

Here’s what happened:

A former Green Beret who told Fox News in 2016 that he killed a suspected Taliban bomb maker nearly a decade ago during combat operations in Afghanistan is now being charged in the man’s death — a move his lawyer says is an act of betrayal by the Army.

The murder charge facing Maj. Matthew Golsteyn comes after years of on-and-off investigations by the Army following an incident said to have taken place during his 2010 deployment. A military tribunal that probed the killing years ago initially cleared Golsteyn — but the investigation into him was re-opened after he spoke to Fox News’ Bret Baier.

And more:

Golsteyn, in 2010, had been deployed to Afghanistan with the 3rd Special Forces Group. Two Marines in his unit during that time in the Battle of Marja ended up getting killed by booby-trapped explosives hidden in the area.

Golsteyn and his men later found a suspected Taliban bomb maker nearby — though he was not on a list of targets U.S. forces were cleared to kill, Fox News previously has reported. After he was detained, Golsteyn said the man refused to talk to investigators.

Under the rules of engagement, Golsteyn was ordered to release him.

However, Golsteyn was concerned that if he did so, the suspect would have in turn targeted Afghans who were helping U.S. soldiers.

“There’s limits on how long you can hold guys,” he told Fox News’ Bret Baier in 2016. “You realize quickly that you make things worse. It is an inevitable outcome that people who are cooperating with coalition forces, when identified, will suffer some terrible torture or be killed.”

Golsteyn told Fox News he killed him. Two years later, he is facing the murder charge.

This just seems tailor made for the president’s pardon power, as I understand it. 

Here’s the Fox News report on Golsteyn:

That’s the power of Fox ‘n Friends, my friends. 

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