Trump to ILLEGAL aliens working at Trump golf club: You’re FIRED!!!

President Trump was being criticized by the mainstream media for having a few illegal aliens working at his golf club, so he fired them. And now he’s being criticized for that too!

From the Hill:

About a dozen employees were reportedly abruptly fired last week from Trump National Golf Club in Westchester County, New York, because they were found to be in the country illegally.

The firings, which were reported Saturday by The Washington Post, follow revelations last year that undocumented immigrants were hired and subsequently fired at a Trump property in New Jersey.

The workers in New York were told that the Trump company had recently audited their immigration documents, which were found to be fake, the Post reported. Those documents had been submitted years prior to their firing.

“Unfortunately, this means the club must end its employment relationship with you today,” a Trump executive told the employees, according to a recording one worker gave to the Post.

“I started to cry,” Gabriel Sedano, a former maintenance worker from Mexico, told the newspaper. “I told them they needed to consider us. I had worked almost 15 years for them in this club, and I’d given the best of myself to this job.”

I mean, yeah that’s kinda sad, but also, isn’t that what these reporters wanted? If you didn’t want them fired, you wouldn’t have reported on them being hired. Again, they’re playing both sides – pointing at Trump’s hypocrisy for hiring them in the first place, and then pointing at his cruelty for firing them after the media bashes him. It’s all kinda silly. 

Speaking of silly, have yourselves a special open thread for Saturday.

Here’s some comment fodder:

They won’t find it so funny when he’s president!

This is amazing and I am thoroughly jealous:

This uh sounds like a joke but it’s not:

This is awkward:


Establishment blaming the Freedom Caucus:



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