TRUMP TWEET tirade hits Syrian chemical attack, John Kelly and FBI!

El Presidente Trumpo hit the twitter hard again this morning, and covered many topics.

Late last night he defended Scott Pruitt:

He quoted Jesse Watters about alleged FBI bias:

Is he setting up the case for denying Mueller’s request for an interview?

And he went after the Washington Post, saying that he’s satisfied with his chief of staff, John Kelly, for now:

AND he said that we WILL WIN the trade war with China because our opponent will dig deep and realize that they were in the wrong the entire time!!!

Ah yes, the Chinese Communists are known for their graciousness and assiduous attention to fairness and magnanimity!!

Finally, he blames the Syrian chemical attack on Obama, and blames Russia!!!:

It’s surprising that he would blame Russia, and he’s right to do. But the fact that he’s blaming Obama and considering the statements his administration has made about Syria, I think he’s prepping us all to do nothing about the chemical attack. Remember his missile attack after a previous chemical bombing? His base, including the alt-right, hated that decision. And later he said it was because Ivanka showed him pictures of baby victims. Is he going to do that again?

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