Trump TWEETS! Attacks Dems and ‘cowardly’ Comey, praises economy

Trump is back to tweeting, much to the dismay of his supporters, who keep begging him to stop.

First he praised the economy:

You gotta hand that to him – U.S. business somehow knew that he would scale it back on his populist protectionism, and they’re soaring based on their hope in his future tax cuts.

Again he makes these weird accusations, when he should be able to know this stuff absolutely:

Wouldn’t he be able to find out if Comey was a yuge leaker? Why leave it to speculation? Because he wants to create chaos.

And then nails the Democrats too:

I mean. Yeah, he’s just right about that.

I guess you could say they have some message discipline here because Eric Trump decried the Dems’ poor messaging last week, and I’ve heard that out of other spokespersons too. I’m not sure Trump’s messaging is that much better, given he’s down to 34% support now. But that’s all fake news polls, trust me, he really has like 95% support, but the media is hiding it!!!!

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