TRUMP TWEETS demanding deal from Democrats, mauls Mueller over obstruction!

El Presidente Trumpo is once again in a tweeting mood on Saturday morning, and he hit a couple of topics that are in the news – China, the shutdown, and Mueller.

First he goes with the popular accusation that Mueller deleted texts:

This has to do with what officials say was an accidental erasure of texts, but right-wingers say was purposeful and intentional in order to cover up the deep state anti-Trump conspiracy! Which they also say they have absolute evidence about from texts that Mueller DIDN’T delete for some reason. What an idiot!!!!

Then he nails the dumbo Democrats on the government shutdown that is totally their fault and not Trump’s fault at all!!!

BOOM!!! That oughta do it. Ignore all the polls that say people blame Trump for the shutdown more than they blame Democrats – we know from the historic yuge landslide in 2016 and not in 2018 that all the polls are always wrong always!!! Double-BOOM!!!

And then he says that big yuge progress is being made in the deal with China!!!

So much winning!! Stop it President Trump, I cannot take all the winning!!! Also #MAGA!!!

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