Trump: We would be at war with N. Korea “if not for me”…

Trump tweeted this morning that despite all the alarm lately about the Kim regime trying to hide ballistic missiles and such from the US, that everything is still going well:

Maybe things are going well with N. Korea? I’m not doubting the president that they are having good conversations, but I’m still as skeptical as I was before about this guy giving up a nuclear program that they’ve worked decades to build.

And when we read yesterday that “U.S. intelligence officials have separately concluded that Kim was seeking to conceal his nuclear weapons stockpile and had no intention of surrendering his arsenal”, it doesn’t give me much hope that these negotiations will succeed in denuclearizing the country. So we’ll see.

But at the moment I feel that because of Trump’s tweet about N. Korea not being a threat anymore, he’s invested in that narrative and I’m a little weary of just taking his word that things are “going well”. Maybe they are, or maybe he is still blowing hot air up Kim’s pant let.

As I’ve said before, I don’t fault Trump for trying to push Kim Jong Un to denuclearize. And I am glad we aren’t at war with N. Korea…yet. I just wish he hadn’t put the cart before the horse with that tweet claiming they weren’t a threat any longer.

Trump had some other tweets this morning as well…

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