Turns out Obama’s Homeland Security Secretary shared SENSITIVE info over unsecured email

Of course:

DAILY CALLER – The private email used in work instances by former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson was not only unsecure, it was used to exchange sensitive information with foreign officials.

As a result of obtaining 216 pages of documents filed by Judicial Watch through a Freedom of Information Act request, it can be seen that Johnson used his private email to conduct sensitive discussions with high level foreign officials, including conversations he had with a Kuwaiti ambassador and Saudi Arabian Interior Ministry officials.

A federal judge had ordered former top officials at DHS last month, including Johnson, to preserve emails in their private accounts that may be included in the Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

The trove of documents included an email sent from the Kuwaiti ambassador to Johnson’s unsecure email account asking the secretary to set up a meeting for him with Kuwait’s Interior Ministry. Additionally, the email talks about Kuwait’s Interior Minister’s having talks with the chiefs of CIA, FBI and DNI.

The U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia also sent an email to Johnson’s unsecure email account, inquiring about Johnson’s future meetings at the Saudi Interior Ministry in Jeddah.

This is absolutely no surprise, but very concerning because using private unsecured email was a trend in the Obama administration to subvert Congress.

But now that Obama’s gone, I’m sure the media won’t really care about this.

Click over to DC read more on this.

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