Twitter, which I don’t really mess with but I read, is home to all kinds of absolutely moronic things. And after a major and terrible event it’s even more true than usual. So it’s not exactly surprising that a liberal idiot made an ass of herself today. No, what’s surprising is the particular stupid train of thought she chose to share.
She blamed the shooting in Pittsburgh on Trump’s announced move of the U.S. embassy from Tel-Aviv to the Israeli capital of Jerusalem.
I promise y’all I’m not foolin. Look:
And a word to my fellow American Jews: This president makes this possible. Here. Where you live. I hope the embassy move over there, where you don’t live was worth it.
— Julia Ioffe (@juliaioffe) October 27, 2018
It’s really amazing. It doesn’t even make sense. And people said so.
The worst take of an already horrific day. This take is straight from the anti-Semite masquerading as anti-Zionist playbook—“The Jews of America must pay for Israel.” Horrific. Just stop.
— Erielle Azerrad (@politicalelle) October 27, 2018
This is a twisted sick uninformed hateful comment. To suggest that there is any link between a white supremacist opening fire on Shabbat synagogue goers and the move of the US Embassy to Jerusalem is nutso. And promotes hate.
— Vivian Bercovici (@VivianBercovici) October 27, 2018
* This is some sick, disgusting victim-blaming right here, which plays on classic antisemitic tropes about dual loyalties.
— Lahav Harkov 🎗️ (@LahavHarkov) October 27, 2018
* The vast majority of her fellow American Jews didn’t even vote for Trump, and the shooter tweeted against Jews for holding opinions opposite to Trump
The opportunistic Left will always exploit tragedy to push vindictive, ignorant and hateful political rhetoric.
— Chad Felix Greene 🇮🇱 (@chadfelixg) October 27, 2018