TWO Democrats are far ahead of the pack according to new Iowa poll!

Here we go, the race for the dumbest idiot to take the Democratic nomination is on, and it’s beginning to take shape in this new poll from Iowa.

There are two candidates who are way ahead of the pack:

And Biden hasn’t even declared yet!!!

More from the Des Moines Register:

Joe Biden has yet to enter the 2020 presidential race — he’s been weighing the decision in a closely watched will-he-or-won’t-he saga — but the former vice president still leads the pack in Iowa.

According to a new Des Moines Register/CNN/Mediacom Iowa Poll of likely Democratic caucusgoers, 27 percent say Biden is their first choice for president. That’s down slightly from the 32 percent who said the same in December, but it tops the 19 other declared and potential candidates tested.

Biden has a 2-percentage-point advantage over Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. Though that’s within the poll’s 4.9 percentage point margin of error, other numbers bode well for the former vice president and suggest a stronger advantage over Sanders. The poll of 401 likely Democratic caucusgoers was conducted March 3 through 6.

Very interesting and we’ll make sure keep track of which dumb idiot is going to win the contest of dumb idiots on the left!!!

That looks to be it for Saturday. Have an open thread, here’s some comment fodder:

The Bulwark is really making themselves look bad:

Don’t pretend this kind of evil doesn’t exist:

This blowed my mind:



Finally, this is how our editorial meetings at the Right Scoop go:

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!! And keep sharing our posts darn it.

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