UGH: Biden Defense Secretary sends warning to Israel about Gaza civilians

Joe Biden’s leftist Defense Secretary had the audacity to warn Israel about protecting civilians as they seek to exterminate the Muslim terrorist group Hamas.

At the Reagan National Defense Forum, Defense Secretary Austin warns Israel not to drive civilians in Gaza into the arms of Hamas:

Below are his fuller comments via CGTN:

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin delivered his strongest remarks to date over Israel’s need to protect civilians in Gaza on Saturday, calling them the center of gravity in Israel’s war with Hamas and warning over the risks of their radicalization.

“In this kind of a fight, the center of gravity is the civilian population. And if you drive them into the arms of the enemy, you replace a tactical victory with a strategic defeat,” Austin said, drawing on his experience as a four-star general overseeing the battle against Islamic State militants.

“So I have repeatedly made clear to Israel’s leaders that protecting Palestinian civilians in Gaza is both a moral responsibility and strategic imperative.”

First Kamala and now Austin. Have any of these hacks ever warned Hamas to stop using Palestinians as human shields? Have they ever warned Hamas to allow Palestinians to move freely in Gaza when Israel drops leaflets telling them to leave so they don’t get hurt? No. They always warn only Israel. They are clearly believing the phony numbers that Hamas is putting out about deaths.

Anyone remember the Israel hospital bombing that was a complete and utter lie? Hamas claimed thousands had died when in reality a faulty rocket fired by Islamic Jihad fell in the parking lot and maybe killed 10s of people.

I am sick and tired of Biden and his lackeys warning Israel to be careful when they don’t give a crap about about Hamas killing their own civilians. Biden is a complete disgrace.

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