UGH: Zimmerman gun BACK on new auction site

George Zimmerman is determined to auction his gun that was used to kill Trayvon Martin. He’s now listed it on a site called United Gun Group. The only problem is that the site has been down for hours because it can’t handle the traffic. I just checked and it still isn’t working:

It’s really an a-hole move to sell his gun like this. It was used in the death of another man and he’s obviously hoping to profit from the fiasco that ensued after Al Sharpton and the Democrats used it to help re-elect Obama.

I get that the whole fiasco ruined his life. I totally have sympathy for him in that regard. But to now auction the gun as some kind of trophy? C’mon.

UPDATE: I didn’t mean to imply that the death of Trayvon Martin was murder. I’ve updated.

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